Rolf Quaas
7/1/2020 3:31 PM
Fully agree, only Sanibel residents should have a say in this matter. Kevin Ruane (absent, therefore not voting but relaying his opinion) and Jason Maughan were against compulsoryn face masks. More on this here:
Christine Andrews
5/13/2020 3:15 PM
Sanibel City Council met for over 6 hours yesterday to consider next steps in the Covid-19 crisis. Citizen input is in the form of letters that are read during the Council meeting to keep contact down. Many of the letters were from Sanibel visitors who neither vote nor live on Sanibel. Why would visitors write to a Council meeting? Why could council members even listen and then not read citizen input? Should Sanibel's decisions be based on Lee County Covid-10 statistics? This forum is open to discuss our governance and the choices made to keep Sanibel safe.